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Private historic monument, open to the public for 70 years

The Château de la Roche Courbon has been a family property for 3 generations, which since its resurrection by Paul Chénereau, the grandfather of the current owner, has continued to open its doors to visitors to share the passion for heritage..

It is an inhabited and living house.The owner family, helped by staff working year-round, is totally invested in the upkeep and animation of this exceptional heritage.
Accompanied by AMICOUR, the association of friends of the castle of La Roche Courbon, the family is constantly innovating so that La Roche Courbon can remain a place of meetings and life.

Your support :

The maintenance of this monument, its gardens and its forest, can only be possible thanks to your contribution as a visitor.
Thank you for it and let your friends know about it.

  • Visits

    La Roche Courbon receives more than 50,000 visitors a year by offering guided tours, events and shows.

  • Rentals

    La Roche Courbon makes its rooms and gardens available exclusively to more than 40 clients per year, for various receptions.

Our team

Whether they are guides, gardeners, secretaries, or other functions, more than 8 employees combine their efforts to present you with a maintained and welcoming domain every day of the year.


Présidente de la SAS du Domaine de La Roche Courbon.


Directeur général, responsable des escape-games.

/ Réceptions / Tourisme

Responsable des réceptions et de la commercialisation du site.

/ Secrétariat/Adminnistration

Secrétaire comptable à votre écoute pour vous accueillir et étudier vos projets.


Accueil, guide, animations, escape-game, scolaires.


Surveillance, réseaux sociaux, visites, accueil, entretien.


Chef jardinier / Entretien des jardins et de la forêt.


Jardinier, agent d'entretien de la forêt, conducteur d'engins.


Agent d'entretien pour le château, l'accueil et le gîte.